Soft Pink Rose


Argentine Soft Pink Rose Essence assists one to stand in their Power, and opens the Heart chakra so You can feel ‘Love’ and be ‘Loved’!

Sharing today our very special Argentine SOFT PINK ROSE flower essence. When this essence was made a PELICAN-shaped cloud appeared in the sky imbuing the essence with the PELICAN energy medicine as well! Not only was this amazing to see so clearly but more so to see a cloud in our sky here in Argentina is so unusual!
PELICANS are symbols of Love, Sacrifice and Motherhood. They encourage ‘teamwork’ and assist You to take care of Yourself as well as others!
The healing properties of Argentine SOFT PINK ROSE are:
- helps You when feeling overburdened with responsibilities, especially motherhood
- when feeling overwhelmed and emotions weighing You down
- assists with emotions associated with depression, anxiety, grief, and panic attacks
- promotes inner calm
- helps You stand in Your power
- gentle ‘heart’ healer to enable You to ‘love’ and feel ‘loved’
- enhances ‘self love’
- helps find balance in life
This beautiful essence brings you strength and helps you maintain balance in your life.
SOFT PINK ROSE takes a weight off Your shoulders and ‘lightens’ up Your life!
For Animals -
- who are terminally ill
- calming and nurturing
- when grieving a loved one
- if been abused/locked up helps recover.


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