

Argentine ROSEMARY Flower Essence really lifts your spirits and brings joy to the unhappy!

For those with cold extremities and needing their spirits lifted. More healing properties are:
- assists memory not just of mind but also of spirit who is having a human existence
- assists to sharpen all senses and helps creativity
- helps those who lack confidence
- assists one to release deep rooted trauma and feel Lighter
- helps one to connect to Universal energies

For Children -
- helps heal deep rooted trauma/abuse
- when lack confidence
- when parents divorcing/separation
- when withdrawn, unfriendly
- bad tempered and moody
For Animals -
- helps them feel warm and in their bodies
- uplifts their spirits/renews energy
- increases desire to live
- if suffered abuse/trauma or grieving
- cleansing/clearing of aura.


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