Red Japonica


Argentine Red Japonica Flower Essence holds ‘phoenix’ energy so use these powerful emotions to help take You to the next phase of Your life.

Argentine RED JAPONICA flower essence - When I was making this essence I came across a piece of milky 'quartz' in the ground nearby (I'm sure I've already mentioned how our land has natural occurring crystals in it, so blessed!) so these healing properties are also imbued in this essence! Milky Quartz instils 'self-confidence and raises self-worth'; expands your spiritual growth; has all the same benefits as clear quartz; aid 'concentration' and enhances communication.
RED JAPONICA properties:
- Healing of Root Chakra and Solar Plexus
- Helps calm emotions
- Helps let go of any 'anger', 'irritations', 'pain' and 'despair'.
- RED JAPONICA is a beautiful 'flame red' coloured - and holds 'phoenix' energy so use these powerful emotions to help take You to the next phase of Your life.
- Time to 'start anew' with 'phoenix' energy, renewal, re-energising, re-kindling relationships with others but mainly with YourSelf
- for the emotions associated with menopause.


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