Purple Iris


Argentine Purple Iris Flower Essence is a very powerful healing essence.

Argentine Purple Iris.
Healing properties of Argentine PURPLE IRIS flower essence -
- opens 3rd eye / intuition / connects you to Divine creativity
- protects you as your True Self emerges
- attracts goodness to you
- reveals hidden beauty within us
- assists healing resentments
- assists in expanding our energy...safely!
- inspirational
- releases blocks of self-limitation
- enhances creativity
- assists with public speaking/teaching/giving talks etc ..... using your voice!
PURPLE IRIS is a very powerful healing essence.....one of our best sellers!

For Children -
- in a fearful situation, when apprehensive
- when grieving loss of pet or loved one
- quickens child’s creative impulse
- when becoming too controlling
- helps shy children speak out and speak up for themselves
- when low self-esteem helps them believe in themselves

For Animals -
- assists them to feel secure/protected
- for any shock/trauma or abuse
- grounding and calming
- helps gain their trust
- helpful if timid to settle in new home.


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