Purple Crocus


Argentine Purple Crocus essence enhances positivity, cheerfulness, joy and hope.

PURPLE CROCUS Flower Essence wishes to be shared with everyone ❤

This was the first flower essence I made in the Northern Hemisphere on my first trip back to the UK with our adopted son! I hadn't been back for 13 years since moving to Argentina and to be perfectly honest I wasn't especially looking forward to it! The main reason was due to how much 'loss' I had endured whilst living there. My biggest loss was my mother when I was 18 years old which was unexpected and a huge trauma in my life! Also, lost our son and experienced many miscarriages over the years and then just before moving to Argentina suddenly and unexpectedly lost my father and then a very close friend tragically died after giving birth to her first child...oh and so much more. So no wonder PURPLE CROCUS called me so loudly to be made 🙂 It was a beautiful 'sunny' day, the blue sky just like we have here in Argentina every day. I just sensed PURPLE CROCUS was going to be a very special essence! You can see from the photos how bright the sunshine was that day.

This PURPLE CROCUS essence is reinforced by the LIGHT enhancing the healing properties even more so!
I had no idea at the time that PURPLE CROCUS helps to release pain/heartache of 'grief'! Needless to say, this essence helped me 'Be' back in the UK and heal so deeply! There is so much more to this story but another time you get the picture! 🙂
More healing properties of PURPLE CROCUS flower essence are:
- enhances positivity, cheerfulness, joy and hope
- assists those in their quest for their 'Light' within and all around
- assists with all lung-related issues/ailments, especially grief!
- powerful Earth healer ❤


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