Pink Rose


Argentine Pink Rose Essence assists with emotions associated with depression and grief.

Argentine PINK ROSE flower essence.
I was called to make this essence when there were a lot of ‘white and lilac’ butterflies around PINK ROSE. We all know that butterflies hold ‘transformational’ energies but also here are included ‘purity and heightened intuition’.

The healing properties are:
- helps to dissipate emotions associated with fear, anxiety and panic attacks
- assists with emotions associated with depression and grief
- teaches us to surrender and let go
- helpful when feeling overwhelmed and overburdened with responsibilities
- helps You stand in Your Power
- assists You to feel love and be loved
- enhances Your Divine femininity
- opens ‘heart’ chakra and brings You ‘peace’
- helps to heal Your ‘inner child’

For Children:
- temper tantrums and out of control
- when parents going through a divorce or any type of separation issue
- older child/children put in charge, weighed with responsibilities too young
- when feeling ‘left out’ and ‘unwanted’

For Animals:
- when panic/out of control
- when displaying fearful behaviour
- depressed animals
- for new ‘mothers’
- helps be comfortable as part of pack/group.

Additional information

Weight N/A





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