Pink & White Rose
£12.00 – £15.00
This Argentine Pink & White Rose essence can be used for the emotions associated with menopause, menstruation and when hormones need balancing both female and male.
Argentine PINK & WHITE ROSE flower essence.
The healing properties are:
- assists with all emotions associated with menopause, menstruation, and hormone-balancing
- both female and male
- helps one feel appreciated, recognized and respected
- assists with transformation, starting afresh...a new job, new home, renewal of energy
- helps heal the Heart chakra
- assists when feeling down, lifts spirits and brings hope
For Children:
- shock, trauma or abuse
- before and after adoption
- for babies when mothers return to work
- adolescents balancing hormones
- when starting school
For Animals:
- for female animals abused and overbred
- when young taken away too early from mother
- heart healer so can feel loved again
- lacklustre of life
- when have or about to have a new owner.
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