Morning Glory
£12.00 – £15.00
Argentine Purple MORNING GLORY flower opens to the first rays of sunlight at dawn one of the main healing properties is to ‘energise’ those who find it hard to wake up in the morning!
Argentine Purple MORNING GLORY is a stunning flower.
As the MORNING GLORY flower opens to the first rays of sunlight at dawn one of the main healing properties is to 'energise' those who find it hard to wake up in the morning!
Healing properties of Argentine MORNING GLORY Flower Essence:
- energizes those who find it hard to wake up in the morning
- helpful for insomnia
- assists with jet lag to re-set body clock
- helps to relieve exhaustion
- when you need to be more alert/awake for daily activities
- especially helpful when tired towards the end of the weekFor Children:
- when adopted helpful to form strong bonds with new family/siblings
- if ‘loners’ help them to make friends/integrate more
- any kind of hyperactivity
- difficulty falling asleep or if sleep pattern off
- assists with addictions/habits
- helps stop repetitive behaviours
As the MORNING GLORY flower opens to the first rays of sunlight at dawn one of the main healing properties is to 'energise' those who find it hard to wake up in the morning!
Healing properties of Argentine MORNING GLORY Flower Essence:
- energizes those who find it hard to wake up in the morning
- helpful for insomnia
- assists with jet lag to re-set body clock
- helps to relieve exhaustion
- when you need to be more alert/awake for daily activities
- especially helpful when tired towards the end of the weekFor Children:
- when adopted helpful to form strong bonds with new family/siblings
- if ‘loners’ help them to make friends/integrate more
- any kind of hyperactivity
- difficulty falling asleep or if sleep pattern off
- assists with addictions/habits
- helps stop repetitive behaviours
For Animals:
- helps them learn to trust again after being abused
- when lacking energy
- good if restless at night
- renews enthusiasm for life
- if hyperactive.
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