Lemon Verbena


The Argentine Lemon Verbena essence brings in the Light to one’s Being and the World drawing back the veils to show us who we All truly are.

Lemon Verbena is a native plant to Argentina and carries the ancient ‘golden’ energies of Lemuria and Atlantis. The flower has an absolutely beautiful perfume which instantly lifts your spirits!

Healing properties of Argentine Lemon Verbena flower essence:
- assists in the retrieval of ancient wisdom
- opens the Heart chakra
- connects one to Cosmos/Starlight energies and fills you with Gold healing Light
- brings through and connects you to Lemurian and Atlantean energies
- powerful cleanser/protector/energiser on all levels
- also helps with the expression of speech
- assists one to move forward when feeling ‘stuck’ and there is some resistance
- sparks pleasure in life inviting in more laughter and joie de vie energies

For Animals:
- brings the Light back into their life
- excess barking or whining
- when feeling insecure or nervous
- if timid
- helps bring back their natural joyful energy
- helps them trust again.


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